1. Experience and Engagement data from One Medical 2017-2018, 15 largest clients
2. CareFirst PCMH Ranking of Overall Performance Report, 2018
3. One Medical internal data primary research, reduction of median GAD-7 scores for members who participated in Wellness Series
4. Quality and Value scores compared with 423 practices from a health plan’s Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH) program.
5. One Medical internal data for members who come in for a visit
6. One Medical internal data for common conditions only
2/7. Accounts for One Medical’s claim-free virtual services ($40 with comparable providers) and for time saved for employees from One Medical primary care visits (1 hour wait time, travel time) and avoided specialty & ER visits (3 hours for ER; 2 hours for specialty) multiplied by an assumed fully loaded hourly rate of $52. https://www.myuhc.com/content/myuhc/Member/Assets/Pdfs/16-0271_JPMC_Virtual_Visit_FAQ_flyer_LowRes%2010.pdf; American Journal of Managed Care, “Opportunity Costs of Ambulatory Medical Care in the United States”, August 2015; CDC Quick Stats “Median Emergency Department (ED) Wait and Treatment Times, by Triage Level” (2010-2011)
8. Experience and Engagement data from One Medical 2017-2018, 15 largest clients
9. 2018 One Medical Service & Operations Report
10. Source: Data from One Medical from September 30, 2019